SECTION 1: Visualizing our learning
Concept Map: Module 2
This assignment was about creating a concept map about “Who are ELLs”! Meaning characteristics that are defined for ELL learners. I talked about 6 points that really represented ELL learners, I believe these 6 points are crucial in understanding your ELL learner. As educators we need to realize that not every ELL learner has come from backgrounds that are safe, economically stable and that english is probably not spoken at home. I selected this artifact because it gives a good idea what to look for when having ELL students in your classroom in a easy way like a concept map. I think this information is very valuable to new teachers, not many have information about new ELL students, so this provides some great insight to where they come from!
Culturally Responsive Practice: Module 5
For this assignment we had to create a concept map to share our understanding of culturally responsive practices. The headings we had to address were the principles, teacher characteristics practices and importance. I found this to be a great activity for summarizing my thoughts, I think concept maps are a great way to really showcase your learning in a friendly easy to read formate. I choose this activity because the information that is on my concept map is important information to know about ELL learners. Following “culturally responsive practices” will really help with understanding ELL on a different level, figuring out ways to really overcome the barrier that new/ old teachers have with new ELL students. I thought it was a great read and I learn’t a lot from the reading that I will be apply into my teaching.
Infographic: Module 2
This assignment was about creating a infographic for classroom teachers to help support ELL learners. This infographic was made on Canva using one of their templates, I am really impressed on how it turned out, I would definitely share this with my fellow teachers! This infographic provides valuable information that really can help build ELL learners. Having a safe environment is key in providing the best learning for your ELL student. This will provide the ELL learner with confidence in participating in discussion in class, making peers, and trying to work on assignments with ease. This is important for teachers to know about because I know many teachers like myself struggle with providing the best support to our ELL students so this provides them with information on what they can do in the classroom to change that.
CSI: Colour, Symbol, Image: Module 3
This assignment was about creating a CSI (which is a type of organizer) that had us relate a colour, image and symbol to our reading. The 3 things I picked was building blocks for my image, grey was the colour I picked and symbol was a person having multiple hands. The reason I choose this assignment was because I thought it was neat to think about a passage of reading that way. Relating a symbol, colour and image to something you just read can help you really visualize the text. For example, I used the colour “grey” for “factors influencing student participation in classroom interaction”. I felt like grey presented a very foggy and confused outlook on things. I believe student who are new to a country are usually more shy and timid and less likely to talk or even participate. I think grey is a colour to present that feeling!
SECTION 2: Lessons- (2 lessons that can work for ELL students)
Instructional Plan: Module 4
This assignment was to create a lesson plan involving vocabulary terms that you choose for your lesson and creating a plan on how to teach those vocabulary terms. I choose to do it on a reading that I’m currently doing in my classroom. This is a book that is from the program “Go Phonics”, this is for beginner readers. I choose this assignment because I think this lesson is great to use in a classroom, decoding words is a great way to help with reading and this book does just that. I would first go over the terms in the book, I would ether do whiteboard spelling or use alphabet tiles to help! I then would introduce the book and have students read aloud. At the end I would have students play some sort of game to end of the lesson using the vowel “a” the lessons is based on the short vowel “a” sound. Students really enjoy this lesson so, I wanted to share it with others if they needed some ideas!
Lesson Plan: Module 4
This assignment was about creating a lesson plan for ELL students. My lesson plan was based on learning school objects. I used a variety of activities within my lesson such as a matching, “what’s in the bag” and a worksheet to finish it off (more for summative purposes). I have done with lesson before and I really enjoyed teaching it! The student’s seemed to enjoy the activities and were really engaged throughout the whole lesson. I choose this lesson plan to add in because I think it’s a really good lesson to showcase to others. This will definitely help ELL learners, and it includes all the variety ways to teach a subject like this one.
SECTION 3: Extending/reflecting our learning
Responsive Practices: Module 5
This assignment had us reflect on what we have learned so far in the course. I enjoyed thinking and writing about what I connected with, how I extended my thoughts and the challenges I still face or think about. It had me think about what I have learned so far in the course but also what I’m still struggling with as a teacher. The challenges that I still face as a teacher are making lessons that fit all learning types, I still struggle with this aspect even as a ELL teacher. I create a lesson thinking okay this can work with my students and then doing the lesson and the student’s not understanding anything. This has happened to me a few times, and that’s where I would have to figure something else out on the spot. I choose this piece because I want to showcase my learning throughout the term and how much progress I have made this far.
Principles of Language Teaching and Learning: Module 1
This article is about 6 principles that can help with teaching ELL learners. The 6 principles talk about a variety of things such as having engaging/high quality lessons, understanding your learner, adapting lessons etc. I selected this article because it really like how it showcases the 6 principles, it really describes each principle and how it can be used in the classroom. I think these 6 principles are important to ELL learners because if you were to adapt all these 6 principles with your classroom it would be really beneficial in understanding your learners. The student would have an easier time understanding the material but also as an educator it will be easier teaching ELL learners.
Developing Oral Language: Module 3
This assignment was about creating a question that we want answered about Oral Language. My question was “What are some ways to build connections with ELL learners through culture?” This question was important for me to answer just because as a LST teacher my job is to teach ELL student and build connections. The reason I choose this assignment was because I found some great resources and facts about this topic that I do want to come back to in the later future but also share with others. I think it’s very important to build connections with your students regardless of them being ELL or not, building connections has them trust you as a teacher. This will build great framework for the rest of the years learning. Especially with ELL learners who are shy or timid at first, they will definitely open up once you get to know them.
Conceptualizing Language Proficiency: Module 1
This assignment was about using a visual found on this website ( and explaining what it mean’t to you based on ELL learners. I talked about how the student is trying to shot the ball in the basketball net, however; you can tell the basketball net is bit tall for him. I related this to how learning a new language can be scary at times but in order to get good at it you have to try. I also talked about how you should always have a growth mindset vs. a fixed one. I think this message is important to ELL learners because it shows that things can be difficult but if you have a mindset of not giving up and always trying you can always succeed with anything you do. As a teacher you have to show students that giving up is not an option, to be good at something you have to practice until you master it.
Reflecting On My Learning
I wanted to take this course because I wanted to learn how to support my ELL students in ways that I could have them learn better and really to understand them as students. I was offered a position as an ELL teacher not knowing what the position was really about. I wanted to take a course that would help me along the way. I have learn’t strategies that have really have helped me this term, I believe I’m a bit more confident in my teaching. A challenging part for me in terms of lessons is incorporating ELL cultural backgrounds. That is such a crucial part in support new learners and I definitely need to work on that. I fully believe that ELL learners can fit in a classroom where they are able to participate and acknowledge the information that is being given.
In my think-puzzle-explore chart 2 of my “W” questions did get answered. One was about how to support a ELL student who doesn’t receive support for a LST worker. I learned many new ways to support a ELL student in the classroom. You first need to make sure they are comfortable in the classroom before starting to support them in any way. We need to fully understand what our ELL likes and dislikes are, I been doing this more in my ELL groups. Every time I begin my lessons I spark a conversation about what they did yesterday, or what they will be doing on the weekend, asking information about their family life (siblings etc).
Teaching Philosophy
My philosophy of teaching is to create an environment where all ELL students feel safe learning. I believe that when a student feel safe in their learning environment they excel in their studies.